فارسی عربي


'Everybody Knows' sets record in Bosnia

Asghar Farhadi's 'Everybody Knows' sets new record of viewership in single screening at Sarajevo Film Festival in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mirsad Purivatra, the festival director, prior to the screening of the movie announced that the number of viewers for Farhadi's movie is a new record throughout all 24 editions of the event.

According to a media report, the screening hosted 4500 audience members who attended the outdoor venue for the fest.

The Iranian director earlier said on a TV show that Spain and Iran have similar cultures, adding he had his doubts about the hoped-for result to work in Spain before feeling at home on his arrival.

Founded in 1995, Sarajevo Film Festival is the premier and largest film festival in Southeast Europe and one of the largest film festivals in Europe.

Asghar Farhadi was the presiding juror of this year event which ended on August 17, 2018.  

